Two decades of experience

at your disposal.


Areas of expertise.

Please read below about some of the areas that René Nijhuis Digital Marketing has experience with, working with many leading brands in all of Europe. I work with specialists both in my own network and on client side, to combine strategic and more hands-on capabilities into one goal oriented team.


 Google Analytics 4

A radical departure from its omnipresent predecessor, GA4 still holds a multitude mysteries for many. Yet the moment is upon us that we can nog longer push our switch forward. Let me help you smoothen your transition, so the insights you know and love from your legacy GA3 implementation are carried over to the new platform. Simultaneously make sure we make the most of all the new features GA4 has to offer.

Omnichannel commerce

Customers nowadays expect to be able to take full advantage of your various outlets for shopping, returns, service and contact. That requires a seamless 360 degree view of the customer, which is available to all client facing teams in real time.



Although there are privacy concerns with personalization, visitors increasingly expect relevant suggestions based on prior observed interest and personalized messaging across all platforms in a timely and unobtrusive manner. A sound personalization strategy is all about understanding your visitor and catering to them in a way that is perceived as natural and serving their goals more than yours.



E-commerce companies that have brick and mortar stores as well, often struggle to understand which part of their online audience eventually makes the purchase offline and vice versa. By applying statistical models to on- and offline data, we are able to attribute part of the offline sales to the online channel. In much the same way we can make the connection between store visits, offline marketing and online visits and sales.


Cross device attribution

Your customers use an average of 3 devices to access your platforms. That means that you have to be able to stitch the sessions of these users together to understand their behavior across the platforms. Several tools offer reliable solutions for this and we will work with the one that best suits your purpose.


Conversion attribution

A lot of marketers determine the success of their online campaigns based on a version of the last click conversion attribution model. Although this is quick and easy, technology nowadays is so advanced that you can test different attribution models against each other to see which campaigns play what role in what stage of the conversion funnel.  You can even use even data driven models on the fly. In the end it all comes down to defining your new baseline model and learning about the incremental value each of your channels has yielded.



Data management platforms

The buzzword in marketing in recent years has been Data Management Platforms. The tooling that lets you gather data on your audiences, your site visitors and clients to apply that data in real time by segmenting them in meaningful audiences that you then target based on their behavior. Many different types of tools have recently started to offer similar functionality (content management systems, tag management systems, audience centers, remarketing tools, recommendation engines), but few are purpose built for this specific task. Two stand out:



World leader in this space and for good reason, is Tealium. Their tool is mature and intuitive, their processes sound and their support effective. The tool consists of 4 main elements: iQ - the tag management system, Event Stream, a server side data gathering platform, ideal for lightweight native apps, Audience Stream, the central profile hub, where selections and segments are made and orchestration is done and Data Access, that lets you export the data for further analysis outside of its confines. We are certified Tealium consultants and will lead your marketing team toward total Tealium proficiency, make sure the implementation is aligned with your objectives and help you quickly make a return on your investment (which for some organizations may be a non-trivial amount).


Relay 42

A rising star in the world of Data Management Platforms is the Dutch provider Relay42. Their solution has quickly gained significant market share in their home country, based on a combination of a technically advanced product, favorable market conditions and truly devoted staff. The tool has a similar setup as Tealium, with a tag management solution and an audience center. Always striving for the best technological solution and developing quickly, Relay42 is the challenger in the market.


Audience targeting

Applying functionality in your marketing technology stack, we will segment your visitors into meaningful and practical audiences, to then be able to target them using all connected channels. The principle of ‘one view of the customer’, allows us to keep adding data points to increasingly accurate and colorful audience profiles.


Programmatic buying

Automation in online marketing took a flight with the rise of programmatic buying of digital advertising space. Publishers can put their unsold inventory on marketplaces, where they can sell it to the highest bidder in lightning fast auctions. Where this in itself makes it possible to run large campaigns with relatively compact teams, the optimization of these campaigns cannot be left to the technology entirely.



Doubleclick is for many advertisers the go-to provider of advertising technology - a one-stop-shop for campaign management, search marketing automation and demand side platform. On top of that, it’s indispensable to advertise on Youtube.





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